How to Store a Kayak : Good Kayak Storage Ideas For you

Storing Kayaks

Have you ever dreamt of owning a kayak but couldn’t figure out how to store a kayak? Worry no more. Storing kayaks isn’t an uphill task and can be done in different ways. You just have to decide whether you want home storage or other storage ideas. If you went through the effort of finding that best kayak for you then you should probably consider kayak storage.

Kayaks are made using different materials. The mode of storage you choose should be determined by this. It should also be determined by other factors like available storage space. You don’t need specialized equipment for proper storage. Good kayak storage ideas are enough.

Importance of Kayak Storage

People Protection

Ever heard of the incidences where a kayak fell on someone? They can cause some of the most fatal accidents. It’s actually horrible just thinking about it. The number one reason for proper storage is therefore protecting yourself and those around you.

Protection from Natural Elements

Don’t forget about your precious possession. Storing kayak properly also protects it from adverse weather conditions like sun and wind. These have been known to destroy anything in their paths when strong. This is why inside storage is the most advisable. It keeps the kayak shielded from strong sun. You can get read more on how to maintain your kayak here.

Preventing Shape Distortion of Kayak

It keeps the yak from getting distorted. You get to maintain the color of the kayak and its shape. These machines have been known to expand and discolor if they are not kept well.

Maintaining Your Kayak

You really wouldn’t want your kayak to get worn out soon after spending those dollars buying it. You want to keep it in a great shape for as long as possible. Knowing how to store a kayak properly helps you with this.

Types of Kayak Storage

Indoor kayak storage

Indoor storage option works for those who have enough space inside. It is also the best option. Please don’t attempt this if you don’t have a garage or large apartment. You don’t want to end up causing discomfort in your own home.

Outdoor Kayak Storage

As the name suggests outdoor kayak storage is when you store your kayak outside your house or garage. This option works best for those who don’t have space in their home or garage.

How to store a kayak indoors

This part explores the best way to store kayak in a garage. You may have a clattered garage and thinking that you have space. The good news is that you can easily create space.

How to hang kayak in a garage

The garage has a wall, right? That is more than enough. You simply need to hang your kayak on the wall and be done with it. It really is as simple as it sounds. The following steps are involved.

  • Measure the kayak especially the “supporting points”. 
  • Locate the hanging point on the wall. This should not be plywood or drywall. Instead make it a sturdy wood frame or even metal structures if available. 
  • Once you have the perfect location you need to measure it. The last thing you want is a space smaller than the kayak. This is why you started by measuring the yak.
  • Purchase the preferable storage system. If you don’t want to spend any more money you can make it yourself. You’ve got to know that it will eat up your energy and time. Storage systems are available in different types. Rope systems are wrapped around the yak. Bracket systems are hooked on the wall and the yak is placed on them.
  • Last but not least, hang the kayak in garage. Ensure the bottom of the yak is against the wall. Place it on its side in horizontal position. Make sure the cockpit of the kayak is supported on both sides. The brackets or ropes should be places outside the cockpit for more stability. 
  • Finish by confirming that everything is properly balanced. 

DIY Kayak Storage

If you want a DIY kayak storage, start by buying a PVC pipe, joints and mounting clamps. Cut the pipe and use the joints to join the frames. You’ll need four pipes. Two should be 1.2m and the others 0.3m.

Join them using a PVC glue to get a rectangle. Give them time to dry completely. If patience isn’t your strong suit you may have to keep yourself busy with other things. 

Wall mounting is the next stage. Keep in mind that this is a vertical kayak storage. You need to place the top part of the frame at least 5feet from the ground. Install the clamps into the wall. Make sure they are in a straight line.

Place the kayak in vertical position. The bottom should be against the wall. Place a soft material to cushion the stern against the ground. 

You can also check out videos on diy kayak storage here

Storing Kayaks on the Ground

Find a spacious area close to a wall. Place the kayak sideways with the bottom part against the wall. The cockpit should be facing outwards. Place it on two planks of wood to protect the yak from the ground.

Although denting may not likely occur, you should change the position regularly.

Apartment storage

You can use the wall storage method to keep your kayak in your apartment. You can use the same steps as how to hang a kayak in your garage to in the apartment. You can also deflate inflatable kayaks before keeping them inside the apartment.

Storing Kayak Outside

You think indoor storage isn’t for you? Outdoor kayak storage is the perfect solution. All you need is an outdoor kayak storage rack that you can either build or buy. You’ll also need a water resistant cover that also protects from UV rays.

Choosing a shady area and adding the cover offer a maximum protection. Outdoor storage racks are easy to use and don’t require any level of expertise. 

Precautions when storing a kayak

Always avoid hanging the yak using its grab loops. This prevents sagging in the middle. Covering the cockpit is also necessary. It keeps away, rodents, dirt and bugs.

Make sure the storage area has regulated temperature. Keep the yak away from the sun and moisture whether you’re storing kayak outside or inside. These will accelerate wearing out process. Avoid hanging the kayak from the ceiling.

Keep your kayak locked especially when kept outside. This will aid in theft prevention. Clean the kayak thoroughly before storage. Use soap and water then rinse thoroughly. Make sure it’s dried out completely before storage. 


Storing kayaks outside is the least advisable option. It should only be done if inside storage isn’t possible. Either way, you need to take additional precautions as mentioned above. You can also rent storage spaces if you can’t do it at home.

Kayaks are made of different material but they all use the basic storage ideas above.

If you have an inflatable kayak then you don’t need all these ideas. Just deflate the kayak and pack it in a bag and put it somewhere.


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